About Us
Infinity Theatre Company enriches Annapolis with professional New York City theatre that inspires and transforms artists and audiences, through imagination, creation, and the infinite possibilities found only in theatre.
Watch Five Years of Infinity!
Infinity Theatre Company provides professional New York City theatre to Annapolis, Maryland. Each year, Infinity brings together a high quality team of NYC directors, designers, actors, and technicians to the Annapolis theatre scene, providing the excitement of live, professional shows in Maryland.
Our summer seasons promise to be a major Annapolis attraction full of excitement for all ages. Make Infinity one of your favorite cultural events in Annapolis!
The company was founded in 2010 by theatre professionals Anna Roberts Ostroff & Alan Ostroff. As a team, they strive to bring high-quality performances at affordable prices. In 2011, Infinity produced its first full season – two mainstage shows and a children’s play.
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Our Shows

Photo by Nathan Hawkins

Photo by Nathan Hawkins
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Infinity needs your financial support to sustain our shows – and so we can expand our season! Click here to make your tax-deductible donation today!
Infinity offers a variety of volunteer opportunities throughout the year.
Infinity sponsors are partners in presenting well-respected theatre productions that have lasting impressions on thousands of people.
We offer a unique opportunity to promote your business or service to our audience members.
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